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06 January 2011

Holidays AGAIN!

Second last shift before another three weeks off.

54F - Her ankle has swollen over night. There has been no trauma and there is no Hx of this previously. I'm going gout or arthritis as this joint was # 19yrs ago.

68F - Severe SOB. The (medical) practise from which we collected her had her on a NEB and had allowed her to recline???? On entering the exam room and hearing this gurgling old steam train I sat her bolt upright and replaced the NEB with a NRB at 15lpm. There was no wheeze, she has no Hx of asthma, she was febrile and with a productive cough. Where the frig does a provisional diagnosis of asthma come from. At least they provided some treatment.

Cardiac arrest? Male lying on the footpath in a busy city with his open bottle of methylated spirits beside him. He told us he wasn't going to share it and to F*%k Off. So without counting it as a life saved we did.

84F - Confirmed syncopy, second one in two months even with her meds reduced. Transport and more tests.

25F - Still not sure about his one. Abdo pain, it may have been a UTI or constipation or the morning after pill she requested 'cause the dinger/franger/condom broke last night!

18M - Relationship problems, I'm thinking about telling him to get some cement to toughen up and he drops the news about the two aborted suicide attempts in the last six months. Come with me Dude and tell me about it.

23F - One of the sad stories, at a youth drop-in centre and had been seen by a crew earlier for narcotic overdose. Left and came back hours later dropping on a xanax OD. No antagonist for that just observation and sleep it off.

29F - Walking up an escalator that was not operating and fell onto her knew??? Score 10/10 pain??? from what??? I think it was the only bad pain she's ever had. Tx for clearing x-ray.

52F - Unwittnessed syncopy of unknown duration. During Tx a single vomit and some diarrheoa arrive, shit (pardon the pun) I think I'm Tx a gastro pt, they're better delt with at home.

See you at the big One.


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