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Oh, there you are!

15 March 2011

Saved a life.

44M - Job came down as a post ictal, known epileptic and IVDU with pinned pupils. Seeing as the 400mcg of IMI naloxone brought him up in less than five minutes it was drug OD not a fit. Somebody didn't share their hit.

20M - A tourist, at a cafe, the staff called because he seemed disorientated,,,, I'm still not sure why but we left him there.

35F - Known anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting aged nine. Stung by a wasp today, I could hear the stridor in the backyard as I stepped onto the property. Adrenaline is a good drug.

84M - Six minute LOC, GCS = 5 (1,1,3), 40 bpm, 10 RR, clammy, cold, central pulse only. Sinus rhythm, O2, posture and a very slow increase in GSC and eventual measurable BP. No pain, SOB or ECG changes. Conservative treatment and transport for further tests and assessment.

93F - Wrongly discharged from hospital to her nursing home, we are now returning her to complete her rehab under full care there.

See you at the big One.


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