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21 July 2008

I've got to take holidays again!

While it only seems like last month I am due and required to take another three weeks holiday soon.

So I have to take whatever overtime I can to build up the bank balance because holidays always takes a toll on the funds. To that end I have a couple of night shifts lined up that will do that.

There is a bit of a push on at the moment by the union to bring to the public's attention some less than attractive offers for alterations to our work.

There is a rally on Tuesday the 22nd in Martin Place in Sydney in the morning to do this, it is timed to coincide with a local television morning show broadcast and I hope that as many officers attend as possible.

I believe by the nature of the job, the type of people who are ambulance officers are not what I might call militant but strong resolve must be shown to ensure that the advances and increases made in treatment and procedures that are now part of the qualified ambulance officers role are also recognised in a financial way.

We bring to the public a calm, authoritative reassurance that all is going to be ok!

We deal with the public when it seems that their whole world has turned upside down and down the poo shoot!

We are there in the dark and lonely places, in the wet and windy ones too helping to ease their pain!

We bring order and direction to the chaos of their accident!

We accept the blood, poo, wee, vomit, tears, anger and violence, it's just all part of our job!

If you are not an ambo but support us you are welcome to come to the rally.

Well that's about a militant as I get but it is my livelihood.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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