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27 June 2011

When did Heather Ledger die?

That was when I last worked with the offficer who came in today on overtime, or that's what he told me. I've looked it up and that's pre blog even!

My partner appears to be sick so I am getting over timers in, when you do overtime you normally treat as your on double time but to be consistent for the ride-a-long I am trying to treat-drive-treat-drive as I will in a normal block but it depends of their knowledge of the city also, so far I've been lucky.

78F - #NOF
18M - Tachycardia (120bpm), in the city to celebrate his 18th birthday. Tells us that it happen when he drinks Redbulls or the like, claims that he hasn't,,,, he thinks,,,,, well not a full one,,,, he thinks. We discuss his options with him and try to point out reality and he decides to go back home and chill with his family.
92F - Prolapse bowel.
77F - SOB, decreased mobility, nothing acute.
83F - Abnormal Behaviour, Alzheimer's not recognised by the family or accepted is my diagnosis.
82M - Back pain, SOB, COPD Hx, a chest infection again is my guess.

See you at the big One.


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