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15 July 2011

Eight jobs for the shift.

Not enough for me but with the amount for documentation needed even with our short transport times that's a busy day without a lunch break.

27M - From a Men's Hostel. Was out last night drinking and woke to find this foot and ankle swollen. Needs an x-ray.

51M - Painful palpitations, febrile otherwise healthy. ?? Pericarditis maybe, needs more tests.

35M - ??Altered reality is what I'll call this, most likely from substance abuse and alcohol.

63M - Dementia pt who has become physically aggressive with staff and residents. That might have something to do with the UTI we smell.

68M - Chest pain in the gym at the hospice, they freaked we calmed. Most likely a spot of angina given the pts Hx. Transport for follow up.

71F - Home to private hospital with heart failure.

63F - A bad paver tripped her, ? sprained ankle but she would like an xray, en route a crew ask for an urgent assist load. We're on the same street five blocks away I jump the job.

?20M - ? depressed skull fracture assist with extrication from the McDonalds

Return to transport of the 63F.

See you at the big One.


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