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18 July 2011

Missed stage 14 too!

Well I didn't have anything else to call the post and I did miss viewing this stage of the Tour de France. We left at sign on and returned an hour before knock off only to get another job with 25 minutes to go. But what can you do? That's part of what you signed up for and if you didn't then get out of the job.

18M - IP, with Police and has them concerned by his attempted action to 'get them to shot him'.
First thing I noticed was that he had a blocked throat because he couldn't swallow his own spittle but spat it on the pavement. Next he was trying to do 'gang talk' but was doin' it badly sounding more stupid than it normally does. While he wasn't a real wanker later when he had sobered up in the hospital mental health rubber room (he was speaking suicidal) he was a completely different, very polite, well spoken young man who was allowed to leave.

27M - Random victim of a homeless person chucking stuff at people. He got clocked on the cheek with a bottle and had an abrasion. Cops called us to give it the once over. No need for the hospital he was cleared to go home and the offender was taken to a nice warm cell, which is probably what he was after in the first place.

73M - Haematuria.

32F - Mental health issues.

20M - IP, by the time we had arrived his family had collected him. Sometimes a bad run of traffic lights and bottle necks causing a slow run is a benefit.

21M - Fight in a night club, facial injuries that need some stitches.

23M - Fight in a Hungry Jacks burger joint, small cut on his finger, first aid only.

And that was it. Our CSU (Charles Sturt University) ride-a-long had completed her three week tour and returns to campus and the last few months of her degree with more examples of the gulf between learnin' from a book and learnin' from the pt.

Don't get me wrong the more education the better but the attitude from some academics towards the ol' on-the-job trained paramedics and the realities of the job pisses me off because they have a bit of paper their say holds more sway. (off soapbox now)

See you at the big One.



InsomniacMedic said...

You sure it was a fight in a night club, and not a night in a fight club??? :)

Lauren said...

Student season is finishing up here too. Thank goodness, they make us all look bad with their fancy books and shirts tucked in always asking "is this the way it should be done"? Gee i think so unless its changed and no one told me. ;-)