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24 September 2010

I'm back, holidays have finished!!!!!!!!!!

As I get older holidays do become more important and essential for me. It was a whole week before I found an excuse to go into work this time!

I don't officially return per the roster for another few days so I put my hand up for some overtime and scored it for both days but only one will be an on-road operational shift.

The other will be as an ART (Ambulance Relief Team). We sign on at a designated Ambulance Station, our vehicle is a hard covered Ute that can hold anything from three to six empty stretchers and when crews delayed at a hospital reach a trigger time we deploy to that hospital and if the pt is not monitored we shift them onto our stretchers and the crew is relieved.

The hospital are billed by Ambulance for the ART and we have nothing but the stretcher, that's why the pt can't be monitored but active other treatments such as analgesia and fluids can be performed on the stretcher by the nursing staff.

It's boring as bat shit!
Hard on the legs!
If you get the wrong pt it can really do your head in!

But your paid really well so,,,,,,,

See you at the big One.


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