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04 September 2010

A not busy night.

But a shift of odd jobs.

A single officer in a full ambulance went out about half an hour before shift start.
Had a pt in the back of the vehicle but couldn't transport single.
Shift starts with no spare vehicles to takeover his pt and no vehicles available for the crews on station waiting.

We get a single responder to transport us from station to the middle of the city to do a 'Hot Transfer' and take the pt to hospital.

38M - IP, fell over at the train station. Head lac, but thought complaining of unspecified back pain might get him a bed for the night. Apparently left hospital a few hours later when told it wouldn't if the was no injury.

19EMO M - took just enough paracetamol to need examination but not enough to be serious. Dr examination notes even noted that the pt appeared thrilled with the activity and attention of the A & E. Transfer from small hospital to large.

16F - Very mild dystonic reaction to medication. Transport for observation.

50M - Cleaning his tracheal stoma and accidentally pushed it in and swallowed it.

48F - RN visiting the city for a medical conference has a three hour Hx of vomiting and diarrhoea and is really just physically exhausted. An anti emetic and IV fluids and transport for further and she'll be right.

85M - From private hospital to air ambulance for trip home post Pacemaker insertion.

837 jobs/113 shifts = 7.41 average

See you at the big One.


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