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16 October 2010

Just interesting people.

That's the only highlight from today's jobs.

62F - Assist to feet after a hour on the floor from slipping off the edge of the bed. We are about to undertake one of the larges field studies into the aged and falls in Australia but unfortunately the questionnaire's have not arrived at station.

31F - On her way to work and got back pain with nausea and vomiting? Seemed a very normal person and was happy to help her with the pain.

26M - Neck pain. Yawned and stretched in bed and heard a crunching sound in his neck and then couldn't move it because of the pain. Everything pointed to purely muscular. No motor/sensory deficit at all. Don't know what to make of it.

Bus V Car just turning into the street and called off for,

17F with abdo pain. NO not the usual period pain but she has gale stones, like it's full of them. A genetic pre disposition to them from both sides of the family and multiple members. Cholecystectomy is her next treatment.

64M from Air Ambulance to a big hospital.

48F - In the big smoke for one of those shop till you drop tours of the factory outlets.
Ten minutes into the three hour coach trip back up the coast she has a witnessed syncope.
Lasts less than a minute, all obs good when we arrived but still pale, clammy and sluggish on responses but GSC = 15. Had partook of the same lunch as the rest of the shoppers and been keeping up the fluids so it really was unexplained and if it wasn't for the pending long bus trip I may have still let her think she could refuse my transport offer.

947 jobs/ 125 shifts = 7.57 average

See you at the big One.


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