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Oh, there you are!

02 October 2010

Working with someone half my age.

Who finally likes to stay out all night too!
Shame there wasn't the work to go with it.

91M - Has been a semi regular caller with catheter blockage problems but he tells us he goes out each day to the cinema, shops, malls, places of interest because he doesn't like sitting in the retirement village (not a nursing home) waiting for the Grim Reaper so for my money he can call whenever he wants.

39M - Abdo cramps and pain. Initially regular vomiting but the gun's empty now and no diarrhoea yet. Is very embarrassed about ringing us but the pain was really bad. Shame that while with us the pain had stopped so we gave no analgesia which is included in the cost of our attendance, just transport. The diarrhoea started soon after we were triaged.

27M - Outside a strip club with a shoulder injury. The gentlemen on the door didn't know anything, we couldn't find anybody so we left, UTL.

60 males brawling at Australia's most well known beach. Yeah right!
The cops cancelled us five hundred meters from scene.

70F - Did one of those 'foot on the accelerator instead of the brake' type accidents in a multi level carpark. The barriers had stopped the car which is lucky seeing as it was five levels above ground and the airbags had deployed but neither had sustained any serious injury. We were called as a second crew the passenger was complaining of chest wall pain and the driver knee pain.

37M - Sleeping outside a pub in an old hospital gown and track pants. Social services at the little hospital in the city would be just right for him and could also fix his scabies infestation.

18F - IP, friends had left her. Lovely polite young lady who appreciated our efforts and concerns. Must have been from the country!

46F - Head lac. Was in a convenience store being emotional/drunk, store owner called us and the cops. This is the story we got from her, doormen and independent witnesses.
46 mother of three went into a strip club for a QUIET drink??????
Starts chatting up some bloke and ends up throwing punches at him which brings the show girls into the story as they jump her and attempt to break up the fight (throw some jelly in there too and I'd watch,,,, naaa just joking, I'm in uniform I can't)! And that's how she got the injury.
Does she want us, no.

57M - Central Heavy Chest Pain. Too simple, even had a significant family history.

And I'm stuffed. The two extra day shifts straight back from holidays that's what did it.
I slept well into the evening and missed a farewell drink with a colleague.
But that's the way it can go.

882 jobs/119 shifts = 7.41 average

See you at the big One.


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