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18 October 2010

Shouldn't have expected too much for a Sunday.

34M - Partial obstruction from ??Food. Pt suffers autism so communication was poor. Air entry was good, pt was pink and walking but as we were about to go in the side door of the vehicle he had a large projectile vomit, turned to us and said I'm better now and walked back into the house.
Problem solved???

Took over a pt from a day shift crew.

83F - SOB.

35F - Vomiting from a bit too much GHB. A regular social user of the drug and had never suffered this before. A quick shot of some antiemetic that stopped the vomits and everything else was good. Left at home with B/f.

25M - IP who actually asked the police (who were going to take him back to the cells for public intoxication) to call an ambulance for him. Claimed BiPolar but en route said it was all a rouse to get away from the police.

42F - RUQ abdo pain, recent diagnosis of gale stones, got the pain under control and transport for a better pain management plan.

81F - Regular dialysis pt, a nice easy way to wrap up the shift.

954 jobs / 126 shifts for a 7.57 average

See you at the big One.


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