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09 September 2011

Second Week Report.

Not that different to the first really.

Ambowifes birthday came, we had agreed to get each other slippers only so while she knew what was in the parcel I kept moving it around the house to appear in different locations.

We went for a drive and discovered a new eatery about 60k's south of Sydney and while my hamburger was $25 it was worth every cent as was her meal.

The view from the cafe.
Who's this hairy thug?

My good lady Ambowife

Rode into the City to conduct some business,,,,
Did several more rides, watched more online content of my favourite shows.
I allowed myself to ruminate, reflect and dwell (day dreamed to less creative people)

I have still not yet received a reply from the hospital about the STEMI that wasn't so Lauren and Anon I haven't forgotten about you.
Nor you Wade I'm happy to whip up a colour copy of the Question Book with your name on the front and any other identifier you want but I'm concerned that if I release pdf copies that they will get spread around and shared and that reduces my market. Sounds a little mercenary but sorry.

I have had no luck obtaining large diaphragms for my Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope. There appears to be no retailer in Australia who carries or will order just these alone and the few US based suppliers don't deliver outside the US. So the search will continue I don't want to buy a littmann's just because they're the most easiest to buy parts for, I like my stethoscope.

And that's been the second week of holidays.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

always check ebay!!