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Oh, there you are!

02 October 2011


This is the third weekend that I have scored o/t. All going to the trip in a few years to the US.

73F - Nausea & vomiting, recent abdo surgery not quite right.
27M - Chest pain, miles away we start the run to be called off after five minutes of high speeds to attend,
74M - Epistaxis, as I walk in there he sits with what looks to be half a box of tissues poked up each nostril all red and sodden. I jump straight on the nose pinching firmly in the Little's area and start the 15 min countdown. It didn't resolve so transport was needed particularly as the pt WAS NOT on blood thinners. Maintaining my grip on the nose off we drive with the blood backing up the tear ducts and making his eye appear to bleed. An hour later now on the hospital bed I release the nose and ,,,,,, nothing happened and it remained haemorrhage free till discharge five hours later.
23F - Respiratory Distress, hyperventilation. The job came down as chest pain but that was more from the generalised nature of the CAD (computer aided dispatch) questions and the ethnic background of the caller. It was nice to see this presentation in a normal person also rather than the moppets you normally do. There was no family fight, relationship problem, school/work stress or other recognised trigger. The pt had been asleep when the symptoms started, maybe it started with a dream? Who knows after twenty minutes of the Hudson mask without the oxygen and my calm and reassuring nature(ha, ha, ha) the pt was better, her family fully entertained and happy to stay at home.
43F - IP and drug effected with Police. I felt that they wanted to bum her off to me and the hospital rather than their cell. I cleared her on scene for them to be able to transport but that was not their plan.
88M - Ear lac and he was on blood thinners. Direct pressure wasn't working again either.
81F - Discharge from ED to a N/H.

See you at the big One.


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