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01 March 2009

Sorry I'm late posting.

We have had my best mate and best man from our wedding up for a visit this weekend.

Not that well planned because I was on duty Thursday and Friday nights but darling Ambowife took care of him with a drive to the Don Bradman museum while I had a quick sleep on Friday and then I just had a few hours sleep Saturday morning before the two of us went out.

We took in one of the free shows at local venues as part of the Mardi Gras. I love my home in Tassie but it is very sheltered compared to Sydney on any other given day and we're in the Mardi Gras groove and it's even more party time now.

The humour, taking the piss out of themselves and big bright outfits make a Mardi Gras time show special and you just don't see that stuff in Tassie.

Both nights had good work,
Cardiac - rapid AF
Cardiac - dead
MVA - Car v Bus
MVA - Car v Motor Bike
Assault - probably deserved it by attitude shown to those trying to help them! (what's new about that?)
Assault - wrong place, wrong time
Psych - just a carpet bag of problems there
The usual falls or klutz moments
Another heroin OD, some really strong stuff on the streets still
Headache - that was just a bit wrong, IC bleed on scans, thank you to the diagnostic bump itch!

Looking forward to the march Saturday and all the fun and work that it brings and that's the important thing about our job.

In the city we get flogged stupid a lot of the time and while it appears that we have received a sly sided pay reduction (it will take a few pay periods to really tell), our station had something like twelve hundred emergency response jobs, between six crew on three cars per shift several months ago. That makes us the busiest in the Sydney South and East sectors but we always have our bit of fun. Never come to work grumpy or always whinging.

If you don't enjoy your job, leave.

Ok, I'll get off the soapbox now.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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