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01 July 2010

No drugs used here!

Might as well have been the sign on our ambulance last night.

27M - Known epileptic, witnessed seizure, sustained a laceration that was going to need sutures.

21M - Currently being treated for drug induced psychosis and thought he was dropping a heap of speed yesterday but it actually was an antipsychotic med and he now is suffering extra-pyramidal like symptoms or tardive dyskinesia - an iatrogenic disorder of involuntary repetitive movements of facial, buccal, oral, and cervical muscles, induced by long-term use of antipsychotic agents, sometimes persisting after withdrawal of the agent.

47F - Work function celebration EOFY, big cut on foot while dancing barefoot in a Pub!

Male - Assaulted, UTL.

19F - I don't know how many times I'll say this girls but breaking up with us fella's is not a worthy reason to ingest a heap of Paracetamol. In fact there is no good reason to ingest lots of Paracetamol, it's a very nasty, slow and painful way to die. The hospital introduced her to activated charcoal,,,,,Yuk!!!!

?30M - Thought he would catch a few minutes nap time on Pitt Street Sydney!!!!!! And then I come along and bother him when someone rings in for a dead person lying on the footpath from the other side of the road. Told me to bugger off and jumped into a passing taxi.

25M - Found by Transit Cops, very developmentally delayed, taken to regular Cops to wait for us to come and assess but by the time we arrived they had contacted his group home from where he had absconded nine hours ago. Cops SNR'd us and took the young fella home.

37M - Very minor facial injuries after a fist fight on a bus, he was the victim, the aggressor got Tazered for his dickheadedness.

604 jobs/82 days = average 7.37

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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