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Oh, there you are!

29 July 2010

Two shifts, one post.

It's been that slow, the two night shifts are going to be combined.

50?F - Air Ambulance to hospital for urgent CABG.

80?M - Seen by householder to have been lying on the footpath not requesting an ambulance. They called us anyway, he wasn't there. I believe if they had gone and asked he just had a case of 'Wobbly Leg Syndrome' (alcohol induced) and needed a hand up.

43M - Sudden, sharp, spasmodic chest pain. Axilla, scapula regions. Chest sounds equal and clear, no trauma no deformity no history of anything similar. Still being investigated at the end of shift, x-rays had cleared pneumothorax renal colic, I never thought it was colic but that got thrown around by others. 20mg of Morphine to take the worst of the pain down to manageable.

77M - Chest pain and tachycardia episode, fully resolved by our arrival. Hx of an episode yesterday, while sedated for a procedure, of sustained SVT. Urgent appointment later today with a cardiologist, while asymptomatic with us lets go to hospital a bit early.

The next night.

47F - Hx of brain tumour that presented with limb numbness, surgery was successful.
Guess what happened at work,,,,, it was more of a decreased sensation not a total loss of and our role was really only transport and supportive.

17mthM - Big hospital to Specialist hospital, sustained SVT post administration of care fully measured ventolin (salbutamol or albuterol for you off shore) for respiratory wheeze. 240 beats a minute, resolved by immersion in cold water, similar episode in vitro and was on beta blockers for the first six months of life.

53M - An angry IP.

703 jobs /96 shifts = 7.32 average

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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