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07 July 2010

Now this was a busy day.

71M - His peg tube had a hole in it and the nursing home didn't have any. Neither did the A & E and it was too hard to get one from a ward so the Dr showed us how to patch with some glue and an ob-site.

71M - Same fellow back to the nursing home! It counts, it was a transport job.


98F - SOB, a beautiful lady with a chest infection.

Vital Call activation, family members got there first and cancelled us.

47m - Cyclist clipped by a motorist open their door without looking in their mirror. Injury to a finger only, very luck, more so than the boys in the tour.

50M - Allergic reaction, has a probability to develop to anaphylaxis and used his own Epipen and we gave him some more adrenaline for good measure.

60M - Tired and clammy found in a reception area of a business. Got cancelled as we arrived.

77F - Abdo pain, called off en route.

77M - Haematuria and abdo pain. Hx of CA bladder.

26F - Currently having some hormone therapy and suffering palpitations.

62M - IP, stumble/fall and suffered facial injuries that were going to need some sutures.

A very busy day and I'm hungry so I'm off to eat.

622 jobs/84 days = 7.41 average

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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