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20 July 2010

Oh boy what a slow night.

Our local had increased staff levels.
Had opened up a ward upstairs to try and reduce waiting times.
But we just kept bringing in sick old people and clogged it up.

67M - Post ictal and very pissed, also a nasty piece of works. We'll get you a tissue or a drink of water but neither of us really want to talk to you.

85M - Transferred from rehab to hospital because he was,
In AF - not that we could see on their 12 lead or on our three lead.
Febrile - not by our tympanic or oral thermometers.
Confused, not that we could find allowing for the tiredness of being in the glare of the A&E at 2200hrs.
And we waited four hours to unload.

29M - Intoxicated driver, aggressive with Police on scene, first crew wouldn't touch him. We got called to the cells were he was bunging on a fit, we wouldn't touch him also because of his aggression. Police transported him to hospital where again his aggression made him a totally unacceptable risk to other patients, family and staff.
Yes he had an epistaxis, a kind of head injury but the level of his verbal, cultural, religious, gender and moral tirade really pointed out that he was just a twat.

86F - Small hospital to bigger for angioplasty.

No overtime these days off We have a work social function as well as I have a few medical things to take care of for myself.

683 jobs/92 days = 7.42 average per shift.

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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