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Oh, there you are!

18 November 2010

Accepted one more o/t and knocked one back.

So I did another night shift at the station near home.

What a difference,

77M - IP (well maybe that's not so different) fallen over in the bottle shop!!! A straight cut on the scalp that will need glue or stitches. Problems are he's NESB (Non English Speaking Background) complicated with the intoxication, severe hearing deficiency and there's something about the uniform that gets him agitated. We over come these and unload at hospital an hour and a half later.

74F - One of the best Manic pt's I've had in a long time. She was at the airport trying to get on a plane to fly off to see some Dr overseas. Non medicated and with no physical health concerns we were able to transport directly to the psych ward and she had the staff there shaking their heads. She was harmless but way , way out there.

62F - Central Chest pain with an inverted T wave, sinus rhythm, angina history, radiating to the arm. Came on at rest was there for over an hour. Oxygen, aspirin, nitrates, pop a line in just in case. Cat 3 triage and wait. No movement in the department or upstairs on the wards. Treatment done on the stretcher, ECG, first bloods drawn and chest X-ray. Three hours to unload and the pt was pain free.

And that was it.
Three jobs.

1076/141 = 7.63

See you at the big One.


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