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17 November 2010

O/t at the home station.

40F - Abdo pain, toilet felt dizzy and knelt on the floor. Pain much resolved on our arrival, everything checked out good, pt stayed at home.

29M - In Police custody but behaving very odd so they called us, I'm happy that he's not using me a ticket out of gaol (as such). The hospital thought so too and kept him.

31F - Called to a collapse, pt said they thought their BSL was low so had ingested a couple of those sugar packets you get at a cafe. I think someone was too quick on the triple O call.

54M - Haemorrhoid haemorrhage. Significant enough that I wanted to transport.

35M - Chest pain. UTL.

29M - In the cells of a different Police station. They have to call but they were so apologetic when we arrived for this sook with what looked like a paper cut in the cells. I put a bandaid on it and didn't draw a smiley face.

19M - ?? fractured nose, it was straight but is bruised up really quick so maybe even zygoma or orbit fracture as well.

64F - From one hospital to another.

1073 jobs/140 shifts = an average of 7.66 jobs per shift.
See you at the big One.


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