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Oh, there you are!

06 November 2010

But it got better tonight.

77M - Rigors & Fever, has had an invasive procedure today with sedation only but also has a history of malaria. Doesn't matter he's sick and does need a doctor with resources now.

27F - IP, true to form obnoxious vile and much worse than any drunk guy. Absconded from hospital after mouthing all of us, fell down immediately outside and the hapless room mate helped eventually to the road and a taxi.

25M - Decreased LOC over a plate of Oysters Kilpatrick. Known young street dweller who had some new threads on and went into a restaurant and ordered food. Unfortunately he'd had too many pills and fell asleep before he could enjoy the meal that he didn't have money to buy. The job came down as a Cardiac Arrest.

38F - Respiratory Distress or hyperventilating. Took an hour but we got her down and left her at home rather than the ED.

50F - Gale stones. Admitted to McDonald's in the afternoon.

30M - Small face lac. On the door at a Pub, got a glancing blow to the face that just pulled the skin. He wasn't interested in us or transport.

38M - Swollen foot. Give him his due, had a bicycle stack three days ago and hurt his ankle and tried to self-manage at home. It wasn't getting better and he couldn't bear weight at all now.

25F - Totally Drunk. Able to give us the finger, tell us her name and open her eyes to voice. They don't realise just how dangerous this condition is for them medically and morally. This young lady still had her underwear on because everyone could see it, the 'Baby Doll' dress wasn't covering much. She couldn't even hold her head up, what if she had been in a back street rather the main street.

59M - Alleged rib pain from an alleged assault.

74F - From private hospital to the air ambulance to go home.

Returning to base there's a building fire that we had to drive past and even though they needed our car back on station for day shift we are still an available resource right there and then.

Standby at a building fire. One deceased on scene and one transported by another crew for probable smoke inhalation who cracked the shits and walked out of the hospital an hour later.

1020/134 = 7.61 average jobs per shift.

See you at the big One.


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