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23 June 2009

First Night.

It's been wet again and cold (so the locals tell me) so we didn't expect much work.

A lady who wanted to know if she should take her regular, prescribed medication tomorrow because it makes her feel nauseous about twelve hours later. Treatment - go and talk to a chemist or your doctor.

A man with a 'Red, Itchy Nose'. And it was! Something had cause irritation to the point of his nose and he had been scratching it for hours and subsequently ruptured some capillaries and producing a red nose!!!! Treatment - Leave it alone! and see your doctor in two days if it hasn't started to return to normal.

Older lady with a triple A, last leg in a multiple transport, handover from staff saying she was a grouch, but was lovely with me. I have special charm with the oldies.

Young fella in the city for only the third time in his life, wrong place wrong time. There are just places that are not safe and the locals can tell that your a victim waiting to happen. He was lucky, got away with only a few minor lacerations to the neck.

45M with what we came to suspect as his first ever seizure. Unwitnessed, no history, no trauma just presenting very post ictal.

24M Intoxicated.

19F Intoxicated, the girls are usually the hardest to manage but she was a treat.

26M Who thought he knew more than me about popping pills and told me to F*#k off so I did. Plenty of his EMO friends to hold his hand and give him some TLC.

Last job, a couple of cyclists who had been clipped by a car. He did stop asked if they were ok and the pissed off. CCTV should get him, they have no idea how well covered the City is with cameras. Anyway the girls really only had really bad road rash (which bloody well hurts) but all precautions were taken.

This Padawan and I only have one more block of shifts together and then I get a different one.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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