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13 June 2009

So what work have I been up to?

Well the reduced temperatures along the Eastern Sea board of Australia has impacted on the amount of work.

A dislocated shoulder that in itself was not that impressive but the cannula I got in the cube foss on the supporting arm for the IV analgesia all without him letting go of the dislocated one (because he wasn't going to anyway) did impress me.

A lovely lady who had undergone an IVF egg retrieval this same day but was now suffering abdo pain and quite hypotensive. I was very happy to talk details and with intimate knowledge from our own IVF treatments, she was even seeing the same clinic!

A couple of get up off the floors and put back to bed jobs.
Two more abdo pains.

And a Cardiac Arrest that turned out to be just pissed and no longer responding. The best GCS I could get was a seven 1,1,5. Blood Alcohol Concentration was 0.47 the maximum legal limit for driving in Australia is 0.05 you do the math!!

The next night started with two opiate ODs, run of the mill our bread and butter here in my patch.

Pulmonary Oedema but caught in the early phase so not needing bagging yet.

Metal Health pt who was ejected from the hospital because he started tossing chairs around in the waiting room so he went to the phone box on the corner and rang for an Ambulance!
We brought him back, he promised he would behave and then lite a smoke and started to burn the back of his hand. Security now put him in one of the secure rooms and I did the Mental Health Schedule paperwork.

Well done job for the shift was the Restaurant Syncope.
Pt confirmed LOC with the statement 'and then I woke up on the floor',
Weak and thready pulse,
Several big vomits without relief,
Small frame and admits to 3-4 Champagnes,

And managed to capture the SVT in leads 1,2,3 before she self reverted to Normal Sinus Rhythm.

Always good to have the dots on early.

Well the return of Ambowife may mean that I will not post for a day or so,


Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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