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Oh, there you are!

21 March 2010

Back in, feet first.

O/t shift.
Co-Ord want us to go out early.

83F - Numb and cold legs. Independent, active, was feeling ataxic but walked well. She got a ride and lots of TLC.

27M - No psych beds at this hospital but there were at my local big hospital, borderline personality disorder, manipulative, thought he knew the system better than me,,,, Read riot act, shut up and sit down.

84F - Fluctuating GCS, normally 14 to deep sleep. Pupils very constricted but no result with 800mcg of Naloxone. After six hrs diagnosis was hypocapnia but cause unknown.

21F - Psych transfer from A & E to psych ward next block over.

29M - Country boy down in the Big Smoke for a Bucks night, horse play lead to a head laceration. Nice guy.

55F - ? Anxiety episode. Took some Valium before we arrived I checked her blood pressure three times, dropping each time, she signed the book, we left.

47M - Hand v Refrigerator, Fridge always wins. Took in for an x-ray.

24M - Dislocated shoulder, UTL, hoax call most likely.

27M - Head lac. Did not want anything to do with us. Ethnic dispute we left him alone.

21M - IP, woken up and walked off.

22M - IP, very polite, requesting help, was able to follow the simple instructions to 'vomit into the bag', 'don't spit inside the vehicle' and 'hold still this will hurt just a little'.
If only they were all like that.

44M - First ever seizure, neurological history, witnessed by us second seizure, pharmacology and urgent transport.

Brilliant night, got to station twice. First for a restock and five minutes of a crib break before the phone rang and then about forty minutes before the end of shift for twenty minutes and it rang again.
At my home station the next shift would have been there and offering to go out early, but this doesn't happen everywhere else.
So we did the job and knocked off two hour ten after the normal time.
A nearly 141/2 hour busy shift.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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