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Oh, there you are!

25 March 2010

Still no partner.

Team up with one of the other's on station who is single also.
As a Qualified Officer I can respond single if there is no-one immediately available to work with me but I can't transport so it's not much of a resource they still have to find a double crew to come and collect my pt.

77M - Syncope, two CABG done two weeks ago two more to be done. Might need them sooner.

49F - Claimed to have been kicked in the calf ????????

99M - Syncope, where do you start.

52M - Constipation. He was in the toilet for two hours so his friend called?????? Left at home, not constipated.

60M - IP called in by bystanders as he was a danger to himself in traffic.

54M - Pre-syncope, likely to be a Gastro bug by the sounds.

81F - Fell in the supermarket unable to weight bear. Later confirmed our suspicions, NOF.

20F - Taxi ran a light, she ran into him. Precautionary really.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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