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Oh, there you are!

24 March 2010

My new partner didn't show!

I heard a rumour that she was sick.

With a peer on overtime from another station then,

86F - Fall when out for her morning walk. Fall broken by a parked car but still hurt the shoulder.

95F - Cellulitis of the legs.

30F - Epigastric Pain.

46M - HT, tingling of peripheries, flushed. Might be pre CVA.

31M - Heavy palpitations before our arrival all we caught was quite high BP.

84F - UTI. GP didn't want to treat, call an Ambulance.

29F - Scabies. Had seen GP, didn't know what it was, call an Ambulance.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Squeezey said...

If you're missing your partner can you only go out on road if someone else in the area is also one down, or can you single respond?