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29 March 2010

Second Night.

First up a sick person,

77M - Hypotensive (80mmHg sys), sweaty, on the floor, very narrow access. Son-in-law and I man-handled him out and IV fluids and Trendelenburg's position got the BP up to 115/74.

30M - From the national capital, up for a Buck's night (not his), Police found him in the footpath at Bondi and called his wife (who's in trouble now). We took him to a nice safe small hospital.

41F - Abdo pain. Frequent flyer, triaged straight to a chair in the waiting room near the front door.

77F - End stage Dementia, Blind, Hubby looks after her. He's Acopic. Apartment, while clean is cluttered with poor lighting. If we take her to hospital she wont be coming back to this.
He knows about all the great free services to help aged Australians stay at home but doesn't use them being too proud. We sat and chatted with him and his son to get them to use them.

28F - IP on the side of a road. Call came from a motorist as they drove past. She was gone (as they usually are) when we arrived.

16F - Chin Lac post domestic with B/f. Police involved, refused transport.

Second Sick Person.
82M - SOB/Febrile, 14 hr Hx of fever that was being treated with meds (Paracetamol) so the 40.2 Celsius we recorded was probably higher. O2 sats 82%, BP 150/80, Pulse 150. 150kg estimated weight of pt, backup called for muscle. Cooling with towels, O2 therapy increasing sats to 100%. I found this spidery vein in the back of his hand for access and fluid therapy. Three of us males got him down the one flight of stairs that of course had to be there for a sick pt and one rode with us for an extra set of hands in the back. Bat call to hospital and off we went.
Hospital thought it was a UTI??? None of the usual smell though.

50M - Large facial lacs, Refused to come with us, wanted to take it to the Bouncer outside the club. Left the scene with equally intoxicated wife, they're both going to be in for a shock when they wake in the morning.

22M - GHB OD, with some straight(less effected) friends who are taking him home. Bystander on the other side of the road rang it in. They were doing a good job so I left them with it.

My poor partner was struggling after 4AM and suffered my wide awake, bouncing off the wall with energy with good grace.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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