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25 November 2008

And that's a wrap.

Of this week anyway.

Padawan and I are developing our communication skills with each other as you do when you work as a team for eight weeks.
The teaching and development goes on. I envisage what my training officers might say along with my own perspective and then rethink it again before speaking.

I have offered to allow him to have as much time (within reason) with the patient as he wants and I have seen the silent panic look that invites me to take over treatment.

We are setting boundaries of where his knowledge does in fact cease.
He is young and confident and we are learning when that confidence is misplaced.

I am proud of the journey he is making.
That is one of the reasons I like to teach the new ones, get them young and learn them about,

Shiny Boots,
Clean and ironed uniforms,
A clean, washed (don't forget the wheel rims) and stocked ambulance,
Station duties,
The right way to drive both response and with a patient,
Scene assessment,
Scene control,
How you can go up to a complete stranger and get their most intimate details, no matter their age, sex, religion or race,
The correct protocols for the job
Not all chest pain is cardiac, if there is a story or evidence of trauma,
Vomiting does for a moment interfere with normal breathing but it is not a breathing problem like true SOB,
When in doubt, Airway, Breathing and Circulation they always help.
Respect for every patient, work mate and allied staff,
Coping with what we do.

It's hard, tiring work teaching and it's an honour.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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