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Oh, there you are!

18 November 2008

So it's been about three months since Tracy last went riding on her push bike.

What did we do today? Along a new track I discovered three or four months ago. A nice easy but long ride from near the international airport and follows the canals out to Homebush Bay.
It's a good three hour round trip without stopping along the way and she made comment on returning that she bet that I wasn't tight (muscular wise).

So I guess I deserve the deep snoring that has me out here in my study posting at this hour of the morning.

Picked up an overtime shift for what will now be tonight at my station and I've just calculated that my new Padawan and I will be on our second night shift for the final of the Australian Idol at the Sydney Opera House.

Always a few hyperventilators and a few minor injuries there but don't watch it on the off chance you might see me because you won't. The cameras never go near the Johnnies tent out the back, God bless volunteer Johnnies (no offence intended Outback, I fully appreciate them).

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

OOps Sorry!! Well it can't have been as good as your snoring, or you would have said something LOL.