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26 December 2008

My festive nights.

Christmas Eve - Ten jobs for the shift.

Explain to me why, all the way through to the last hour of the shift (that's now Christmas Day), where we rescuing people from their own self destructive nature?

No particular age (but mostly young <30yrs).
Not the lonely or street dwellers.
Not lonely overseas tourists (they in fact have a very organised Christmas).

Just the Gen X or what ever, who believe that the world owes them everything and take no responsibility for themselves.

Tracy cooked a wonderful Christmas Lunch that we enjoyed mid-afternoon before I left for work.

Christmas Night - Four jobs, no Pubs open.

There's the difference straight away.
There were alcohol related incidents but they were falls and just the pissed un-co stuff not brawls and violence.

Some crews got a bit more of a pasteing then I did.
The station down near our big gaol or jail on the coast have been getting hammered, something needs to be done about there, they may need an extra crew.

But all in all the Big Jolly Fat Man day was alright.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

Self destructive nature is like (and can include) diabetes as a modern epidemic. Actually, scratch modern. Has there ever been any limit to human stupidity? Einstein did compare it to the infinity of the universe (which is also expanding).