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07 February 2009

Big Last Day Off.

Well I seem to have my Dell back to how it was and have found a lot of my contacts but sadly are still missing the calender items, looks like their gone for good.

Thank you Dragonfly for your comment but even MACs get glitches so this is just a reminder to me to back up such data.

My Mum rang this morning, as I have posted she is in Sydney this weekend to compete with her Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat crew at Darling Harbour tomorrow.

Part of their trip usually involves doing a show at one of the theatres here and they were going to Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story and had a spare ticket, would I like to go?

Tracy and I have been many times to take in musicals such as Dusty - The Dusty Springfield Story, Priscilla - Queen of the Desert and JOK - The Johnny O'Keefe Story. So I took up the offer and spent the afternoon with Mum singing a whole lot of Buddy Holly songs.

I had a great time and so did she.

Tonight Tracy and I were to attend a friend of hers Sixtieth birthday.

Well it turned into a wedding with her long time (Thirty Seven years) partner which nobody knew about. We were very honoured to have been invited to such a momentous and significant event.

Congrats Sue and Bob.

So with a heavy belly of food and wedding cake I'm off to bed.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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