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Oh, there you are!

24 February 2009

Only seven actual jobs today,

Female - Chronic Pancreatitis, from the most common cause and she wont give it up or change her life to stop or decrease the pain and abuses you for doing your job and the whole health system for her chronic condition!!!!

Male -Dehydrated, poor ol' fella in a aged care place, with Parkinson's, reminded me of my Pop.

SPC haematuria for four days?

Male - Unconscious, unable to find.

Male - someone thought he might be septic, so call an ambulance without any proof and really a normal looking person.

CA patient off for some respite.

Urinary retention for the last one of the day.

A couple of waits here and there for a bed to become available in the A&E.
A nice easy day.
With mostly nice people.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

Don't tell me to stop drinking, you don't understand.... Sigh.