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Oh, there you are!

25 August 2009

Day Two

21F, MVA, no injuries.

40F, OD on opiates, interesting because it's not her fault in my opinion. She has been prescribed by the one GP over ninety milligrams of a pain killer daily and therefore some days depending on her metabolism, other medication use and even stimulants like coffee she appears to OD.

21M, First ever witnessed seizure, couldn't link a trigger either, none of the usual ones like illness, fatigue, drug use, etc.

Early elderly Pt who was visiting a Dr about a broken arm and tumbled and may have broken their hip, some days you just can't catch a trick.

96F, Bright as a box of sunshine too but with a nasty case of cellulitis in the legs.

73M, Dystonic gate, possible Parkinsonian Syndrome has had his meds increased but they seem to have left him even more immobile.

Interesting enough day except that 'Dorothy' (new affectionate nickname for Padawan) and I where definitely not in Kansas any more as we had slowly been dispatched further west with each case.

We also again had not received and lunch or crib break and without the aid of a twister we had to drive all the back to station making it a thirteen and a half hour shift.

Same last comment as previous post!!!!!!!!

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

coloneldom said...

G'day Taz, just reading through some of your posts and wondered whether you administered Narcan on the opiates overdose or whether her condition was stable enough to not warrant it?