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Oh, there you are!

04 August 2009

So what happened day two?

Bedlock that's what happened.

My opinion, circumstances and planets aligned to have an increased concentration of pts all ringing within a similar time period.

How can a hospital handle eight ambulances arriving within ten minutes and more turning up in the next hour and they are already nearly full in the A & E and the waiting room?

So this is a list of how I contributed to the problem,

50M, Suicidal, wanted Police to transport him??????????? that's a sick person!

23M, Abdo pain, heavy tackle playing sport on the weekend.

50F, Food allergies, being investigated, not anaphylaxis (because people love to use that phrase), some numbnut told them to not take the antihistamine because it reduces the symptoms!!!

86M, Decreased mobility, leg ulcers and needs admission for advanced care.

45M, Penile pain and that's as far as I'm taking this one.

73M, Vertigo, picked him up a week ago for the same, had CABG x 5 done five weeks ago too!

80F, Chest infection, 40 degree Celsius (104F).

And it took us fourteen hours without a break to do all of this.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

Bedlock and ramping sucks.