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29 August 2009

For Jinx.

Hello Jinx,

Welcome to the world of Aussie Ambo Blogging.

F.A.S. now this is not a cultural slurr but you will notice that with some of our patients from this ethnic background they just go floppy on you after their family member tells you about their current illness.

Now I've observed this to happen after vomiting and diarrhoea as well as non de script sore legs and sore finger and all kinds of other stupid conditions.

Beware they will also walk for about half the hallway and then collapse causing a sudden rush of family to pat, stroke and fan the patient.

I have also seen plenty of others deny the pain that is obvious to me and struggle to assist with their loading even though it pains me to see them do it..

With the transgender I communicate to them in the preferred style (feminine) but the paperwork I do ask the straight up, 'what sex are you legally?' and record that.

Hope this makes sense to you, we only did a normal twelve hour shift today that I will post about later but one of my dear friends and peers from station is moving to the quiet life up the cost and we had drinks after work and I'm a bit blurred!!!!!!

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Jinx said...

Great, Thanks for that Taz. Makes perfect sense.
