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Oh, there you are!

13 August 2009

Steady for a second day.

Two of our station staff have got interviews for the team leader positions and I missed out so it seems my application lowered the bar enough.

42F - IDDM with a BGL of 9.2mmol/L. Who care? She had her mind set on going to hospital so with a family member rolling their eyes at me we had to take her to hospital.
72F - Syncope, witnessed even.
60M - ETOH withdrawal (the DT's).
23F - ??? had not taken psych meds and had buggered off, police were still looking for her.
60M - Parkinson Pt having a bad day.
60M - Hosp to Hosp transfer.
84F - who needed a repairman but got us. She needed a repair to her home O2 tubing.
79F - Scheduled by Community Health staff and they didn't believe she would come peacefully with them.

Again an 0700 start, one 30 minute break and signed off at 2005hrs.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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