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01 November 2009

From the PC at Home.

That was interesting posting from the Phone yesterday.
It's an HTC Diamond Touch phone and you use a stylus to type, combined with sitting on the wall out the front of said Sydney hospital 'that has its own television show' with the notepad open in a slight breeze. Enough that I'm seated at the desk in the study right now.

First job yesterday was an obstetrics in nature. Lets say a few weeks short of the 20/40 gestation period before they are really viable and our patient is spontaneously aborting in the middle of the city. Not nice and the first spontaneous abortion I've ever done. I believe it is much more common at earlier say like during the first trimester. Anyway I wasn't overly chipper after the job.

88F - Abdo pain. As I search around the apartment I find more and more discharge letters and GI clinic appointment to provide a mosaic of this chronic idiopathic complaint. I would have given some analgesia if the spot of pain didn't keep moving. But the Padawans hand seemed to make the patient feel much better.

54F - Hosp to Hosp transfer via Air Ambulance pt discovered to have a brain tumour.

28M - Had a dustup (fight) with his mate and suffered a very minor scalp wound. Refused all assistance, GCS was 15, Not pissed or drug affected just didn't want a bar or us.

8F - Unresponsive, found sitting on a couch with a pile of vomit beside her with an absent stare. HR too fast - 120, BP too high - 150/90, BGL ok, Pupils =, Resp ok, Afebrile, no response to BGL lancet or cannulation.
Midazolam if it is a seizure but there is no Hx, no meds at home to have been taken and was until found a happy, healthy little girl.

I asked for Intensive Care Paramedic backup on this job and was told I had done everything right and just continue supportive measures and they would block traffic at the intersections for us.

I'm following this one up with the ED staff.

64M - Has suffered a brain injury from early treatment for HIV post a needle stick injury in the 1970's pt was a health professional. Anyway coordination gets to be a problem some times and today was one of them. Just an assist up.

61M - From local Psych ward with chest pain, manipulative, attempting to dominate both of use, NO ECG changes and it looks a beautiful normal sinus rhythm.
Problem is there is a cardiac Hx and he's a IDDM. Transport and treat per protocol and don't let him in your head.

Right I'm off to bed for some more sleep before night shift.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

What happens with the blockage of traffic at intersections? I always wondered...