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Oh, there you are!

16 November 2009

So what did I do on the O/t shift.

21F - Passenger in a small MVA, got a small knock on the head from the window and wanted to be checked at the hospital.

30M - Knee pain. Does anyone know were you can get those really big suppositories of 'Toughen the Fuck Up' or even the generic 'Stop being a girl' 'cause this guy needed them too!

77M - A happy Demented pt discharged after an IDC was replaced. If the shadow of dementia was to sneak up on me this is the type I'd want.

22F - Normal people, six hours of lethargy and palpitations. No drugs or even coffee. Monitored rate 120-130 and had that scoop from the end of the QRS to the T wave that would usually indicate something like a Digitalis toxicity.

UTL the first call to the gent below.

18M - with a good sized lac to the back of the ear from a bottle?????

27M - has been out on the tiles (drinking) but is not feeling normal. He looked like crap and was happy to accept a large qty of liquor drunk but no drugs. Got him in the back and put the dots on,,, Rapid AF of about 150bpm. Lucky catch.

35M - in the police cells after having assaulted a train carriage. Well the whole story was there had been a domestic incident and he then turned around and hit the train. There was good movement but it needed an x-ray, that could wait till after the police were done. I gave some simple analgesia and an Icepak.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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