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09 November 2009

How embarrrassment!

So I got to and from work the other night without a problem.

I've slacked off the pedals so maybe I can tighten up half a turn.

Went for a ride to the shops this morning,,,, no problem with either cleat.
Maybe I can tighten them another half turn.

'I'm just popping out to test the cleats', Ambowife rolls her eyes.

Half an hour later I return with sand up one side of me, a bit of skin missing off the left leg,, you get the drift.

'What happened?' as I'm called to explain my presentation.

I had one foot unclipped to pull up at some lights but the footpath ran short and I bogged it in some sand,,,, and fell to the wrong side!

I don't think this really counts as my first cleat fall, it pulled up real quick I was going to go over no matter if I did have the leg out.

Got myself up, pushed the button, remounted and clipped in and waited for the light to change not looking at any of the twenty odd cars also at the lights. If I don't acknowledge it it didn't really happen.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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