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07 November 2009

I'm on a really long break.

Between the end of the last roster and when I start back again on the new roster I have about seven days off, that's why I haven't posted.

So I went for a ride today, to get out of the house maybe, to definitely stretch the legs and to check out a few shops for their prices on upgrading to cleats on the bike (clip-less pedals and shoes).

At the local outdoors shop I found shoes and pedals for less than shoes at most of the bike shops so I bought them there and then.

A bit of a impulse purchase but I was going to do it with the next service in December. Their Shimano Mountain Bike shoes and pedals with a cage around them so you can still ride with just normal shoes on.

I'll have to zip up to the local Auto shop to get an open ended spanner to take the old pedals off and fit the new tomorrow and then start to practise uncleating myself before I have to ride for real with them.

I'm told that's the most embarrassing thing, not being able to get your foot out as you pull up at the traffic lights!

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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