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20 January 2010

I'm not getting much work!

The nights are terribly long sitting on station.

34F - Left lower quad abdo pain, episodes for nearly two years with inconclusive investigation.
27F - PR bleed, syncope.
50M - Frequent flyer psych pt.
18M - Hospital to hospital transfer.
13M - Disabled pt, multiple conditions, febrile.

To finish the night at 0700

76F - The man next door is using 'Black Magic' to make her feel unwell and he comes in while she's asleep and disturbs her belongings. Can we help her to move to another Housing Commission apartment!
It could become a very long post but lets say I stuck to the line of offering transport to see a social worker at the hospital and she refused.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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