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Oh, there you are!

08 January 2010

Thank you for some overtime.

A night shift up the road near Redfern, so what?
I've had no pre-sleep and I've been for a fifty kilometre or thirty mile bike ride only a few hours, ago, I'll take it.

My partner doesn't show, so they send me a level two from the station near our house, luckily she spent some time at my station as a Padawan and knows that I strange but basically harmless!

Four jobs, Four jobs, Count them FOUR JOBS!!!!!
Yep, the poor little darlin's are still cash strapped and recovering from Christmas, NYE and the general festive celebrations.

32M - claimed a dislocated shoulder, it may have been before we arrived.

20M - Nice guy attacked by an unsavoury character with a glass. Penetrating wound of the ear lobe. After cleaning it up you could see it went right through. Nothing in the ear canal luckily and the scar will be hidden by the natural folds of the ear.

37F - Gravida 4 , Parity 3, six days over due, must be time to get the forceps, rope and dynamite to get the little bugger out!

79M - Air Ambulance transfer to hospital of sedated/ventilated patient from the country.

Interestingly the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) who bring in some of the our patients, because we have our own Aero Medical Wing, that the planes, pilots and engineers are supplied by contract to us from RFDS and we put a different sticker on the wings!

ANYWAY, this plane had a new unloading arm, better than what they did have but I don't think it's quite as good as what is installed on our planes

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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