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Oh, there you are!

04 January 2010

Second day back.

25M - with twinges in the right pectoral muscle. Family were concerned that it was his heart???
So we transported as they requested and were followed by several car loads of relatives.

17M - King hit to face, just wanted to go home and it was the weakest punch I've seen.

43M - Acquired Brain Injury with Muscular dystrophy had fallen and just required a lift up.

94F - Had a fall with out obvious injury but started to crash on us twenty minutes later as we're doing some paperwork after a seemingly negative primary survey.
Call to see if there were any ICP between us and Hospital - no.
Load and go.
Asystole as we walked past triage but got her back long enough for the small family to gather.

24F - Drug effected - a danger to self, transported to sleep it off.

38F - Drug effected - GCS 7 (1.1.5), Booze & ?GHB and maybe some opiate.

43F - Migraine, pt described a migraine, has a history of migraines, the pain was too much and she didn't have any analgesia at home, not an uncommon job.
So I'm at a loss to explain why the temporary Padawan I have for two weeks decided to sell it like a cerebral haemorrhage at the little hospital near the domain.
Transported to the bigger one near the Coke sign and it was ,,,,, a migraine.

25F - Blow nearly $200 on a music festival ticket when her appendix decided it didn't like the music or something.

The night shift said that NYE was really very well behaved and probably less busy than a normal Saturday night.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

flobach said...

"94F - Had a fall with out obvious injury"
Gets you thinking these jobs...the what ifs involved. Any conclusion at the end of the job why his heart stopped beating?

By the way: Had a big one yesterday and I didn't see you :-(