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24 January 2010

Two O/t shifts.

Both at my home station.

First one,

We're the walking stick/ Zimmer frame ambulance. That's the way it goes, I do realise that not every shift will be an adrenaline blast.
Not to say that we didn't meet two wonderful patients.
94M - Had a fall three days ago and having difficulty walking now. A comedian through and through. When the nursing staff approach you hours later and tell you how funny the patient is and a pleasure to nurse!
101F - still live at home alone, bright as a button and quick as a whip with funny, insightful comments.

Second shift,

69M - SOB, a regular caller who does get sick and you can't dismiss him too quick.
89F - Sore knees, found by N/H staff squatting on the floor that morning.
44F - OD, by the pills in the purse a Benzo OD but there was a syringe and heroin also.
13 persons trapped in a lift, they were released by the time we arrived.
91F - Chest pain.
66M - IP, banned from a local men's hostel so he wanted an ambulance, straight to the waiting room.
60F - Heat near syncope, wanted to be checked by a Dr even though she was fine when we arrived, transported but didn't wait to see the Dr.
50M - assaulted three hours ago, now at the cop shop, didn't wait for us.
65M - Chronic SOB, refuses to comply with treatment plan, waiting room and left straight away.
56M - Groin pain and it wasn't the crabs or any other STD.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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