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08 February 2010

Rain and more Rain.

We normally get short rain storms but these have been going on for days and don't look like stopping any time soon.

Has it stopped the punters going out on the weekend?

Unknown problem, got an address only, UTL.

48F - Confused at an access gate to the International Airport tarmac, called off halfway there.

39F - Had an invasive day surgery today and was discharged without any analgesia. Panadol aren't really going to do the job so we take her back to the same big hospital where it was done.

73F - Hosp - Hosp transfer.

52F - Chest Pain, but it was like trying to get blood out of a stone that she did have what could be considered cardiac chest pain. Prior knowledge!!!! pts a nurse on a cardiac ward!!!!

71M - Vomiting and Diarrhoea, sounded like a touch of something his stomach didn't like. He was tolerating oral fluids, no pain, Obs good, happy to be left at home.

42F - A pt who has three different opiate meds daily for ??? pain has been punched in the face twice. Yes there is some reddening and maybe swelling and demands analgesia, names it correctly and includes the dosage!
You can have some paracetamol but nothing more.
Pt had left hospital before we had cleared.

20M - Wrong place, wrong time, a couple of decent lacs near the left eye that do need stitches or at least glue. Nice guy and a nice Gf too.

32M - Witnesses state that he was 'Stomped on'.
He's too pissed to know if he has any neck pain because his top lip looks like Zoidberg from Futurama, multiple lacs from lip to gum line.
Persevertant questioning getting worse, suspect a head injury and treat as such.

Did not treat one single person who's chief complaint was Intoxicated.
Very strange.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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