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05 February 2010

Two Cardiac Arrests in one day.

And all persons involved with each incident should have been arrested for Oxygen theft and molestation of their few remaining functioning brain cells.

27M - fell off a ladder about two metres (six foot) up, language barriers +++, cultural barriers +++, at hospital got off the spine board, ripped out the IV cannula that would of been used for analgesia, took off the cervical collar. He did lay still long enough for CT to show a base of skull fracture without any haemorrhage or complications presently.

78F - Public assistance to get back on her feet. Even took in the job book for her to sign, until I'd checked her out. All obs where fine except heart rate, 38-40bpm isn't going to do. Several phone calls later, including one to her GP to command her to go, we went to hospital. She was on a Beta blocker but still!!

74F - Nausea and vomiting, a nervous Nelly about to board a cruise boat for a tour around New Zealand after flying in from outer state. I think she needs a large box of motion sickness pills and some valium.

26F - A boil, a very large boil, 2cm (3/4 inch) in diameter on the back of her neck.

40F - having an out of body experience post low dose anti depressant meds. I think this was a real case and was very happy to help this poor lady.

4 month male, just learnt how to roll over and rolled off the bed while mummy wasn't looking. She freaked, called us, we arrive and,,,,,,, just calm the situation down. The young fella cried straight away then stopped, smilled at us when we walked in, reacted to both parents normally and didn't have a single mark on him. Offers of transport were made but they (dad) decided to keep him at home and observe.

The two arrests turned out to be, a still breathing Heroin OD and a Hoax call.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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