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Oh, there you are!

14 February 2010

Very big rain storm in Sydney last night.

There were cars being washed down suburban streets that normally don't flood and both our locker rooms at work flooded. Palm fronds in the gutters.
But importantly it was dry when I got on the treadly at 0445hrs.

83M - Regular dialysis Pt.

87M - Chest pain, very significant cardiac history, full treatment. First chest pain since the pacemaker was put in nine years ago, after the triple bypass had been done eleven years earlier.

75F - Hosp to Hosp transfer.

??M - fitting. Duplicate call and Comms didn't twig so we arrived as the first ambulance was disappearing around the corner.

89F - Hypoglycaemia event, 1.1 BGL. No illness, well controlled normally, had eaten and taken insulin today, she said it was her first ever Hypo so it demanded transport for further investigation.

??M - Unconscious in a Pie Shop. Had woken up and buggered off before we arrived.

35F - Cafe Syncope. Very warm muggy day, sitting in the windless courtyard of a restaurant, lots of vaso dilation going on for the heat. Just finishing eating, ?? Vagus nerve stimulation with decrease in heart rate leading to syncope. Pt liked it, she didn't want to go to hospital and I couldn't find any reason to take her.

There was a really big music party on in Centennial Park yesterday.
We're getting calls not only to the Med Tent inside the park but to residences around the park where the partiers are dropping. This what we found on just one patient.

25F - But there was an Adams Apple? and by the very small outfit being worn nothing else so maybe a post op tranny, anyway that stuff doesn't matter.
Much consumption of GHB, GCS = 3 until enough stimuli and then as most G pt's do they sit bolt upright, look at you in a befuddled way and then drop back to the bed.
What did I find in the purse,
Another fishy (a Sushi fish sauce plastic bottle) of blue fluid, that's GHB.
A glass crack pipe.
Crystal Methamphetamine.
LSD paper stamp.
And some Benzo's to bring it all under control and slow it down.

Now was that a party pack or what.
Total GCS of 8 (E=2,V=2, P=5) increased to 9 because she said 'ouch' with a chest rub at hospital. Shame she peaked too early but at least we were there to look after them all.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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