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21 February 2010

Third Day straight.

As I have made abundantly clear in previous posts, I don't like our twelve hour day shifts.
I'm so exhausted at their end, so now having completed three and with one more to come before the longer break leading into nights. I am struggling.

18M - Assaulted last night still on stretcher with the night crew so we went and babysat for an hour or two.

80F - Non productive cough.

50M - Who thought it a good idea to discharge himself from the oncology ward where he was being treated for leukaemia.

38F - Regular caller usually with psych problems, today abdo pain.

36F - Hosp to Hosp transfer, kidney problems.

39M - in the company of police. he says he was bumped in the head and kicked in the gonads.

66F - Medical centre patient with suspected cardiac ischaemia.

27F - Abdo Pain with some PV haemorrhage.

Luckily I'm treating tomorrow and I think that's much less taxing.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Squeezey said...

Hi Taz,
Just wondering how your roster works? 4x 12h day shifts, then 4x 14h nights?