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Oh, there you are!

06 August 2010

A cold night didn't keep them inside!

47M - Anaphylaxis, points to him, the wife was driving him to hospital but they became concerned that they wouldn't make it so stopped at a local Cop Shop and called us. Adrenaline and a antihistamine and transport.

29F - From a medical centre, ??? Pneumonia.

23M - IP found asleep in the foyer of a building that he didn't live in, a drunk twit whom I left with the Police.

88F - Four weeks of being unwell, has seen her Dr and taken all the antibiotics and the chest infection has returned. Took her up for X-rays and maybe some IV drugs.

21F - Sad story, PTSD from an event six years ago and now throws pseudo seizures. Had to transport.

28M - Sitting in a Mcdonald's with a cut lip, Police asked us to have a look at him, I did and left him with them.

25F - Small hospital to Maternity hospital.

41M - IP, 'King Hit', got aggressive with us but he didn't have the capacity to refuse treatment with the description of the fall and LOC. Signed himself out from hospital an hour later against strong advice.

20M - Also IP but very apologetic for being so and that he couldn't scratch anything on his body. Just vomit that's it. Anti-emetics, fluids and a warm blanket or two.

724 jobs/99 shifts = 7.31 average.

What am I trying to show with these figures,

365 days per year less six weeks holidays = 323
323 divided by 9 (4 on & 5 off our roster pattern) = 35.89 rosters,
35.89 multiply by 4 = 143.56 or say 144 shifts per year.

Now I post O/t as well so when I get to 144 shift that will give an annual average?

Have I got the maths right?

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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