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14 August 2010

Missed my first arrest.

Your saying WHAT?????
I have done quite a few cardiac arrests in the seven years I've been on road.
The Ambulance Research Institute of ASNSW is conducting a randomised control trial on a new airway adjunct for pts without gag reflex and it is being conducted on pts with a confirmed cardiac arrest status. It is an I'GEL LMA over a Smiths Soft Seal that we currently use.

So since completing the training, examination and receiving a letter of authority to participate the only cardiac arrest near me occurred yesterday and we were on the way to a cold back-up of another crew.

Assist with extrication of an elderly M with a #NOF from the fourth floor, in an elevator(lift) that will only hold six thin people. Scoop stretcher lots of velcro straps and a little muscle, oh and some drugs, too easy.

90F - Dementia pt who really needs to be reassessed for assisted living, she can't stay at home. Community carer called and we agreed with it.

91M - Lower back pain, ??? compression # maybe, let's go and get some x-rays.

70F - an Ex nurse,,, not nearly as bad as a retired Dr. Ground rule set, I'm in charge, (no really she was lovely) simple stumble and fall but with a confirmed LOC for thiry seconds by her G/f who is also an ex nurse. A contusion on the eye lid that came up way too quick and a constant nasal drip of blood. Full spinal precautions and x-ray confirmed a #maxilla.

81F - Constipated.

73M - Generally unwell, His local social services group requesting a medical assessment that could have very easily been handled by the local medical centre, I even suggested this as a better and quicker option. Fat lot of good it did me Oy Vey!

28F - Known allergy to nuts, accidental exposure two days ago, treated at another hospital.
Return of symptoms today without the gross angio oedema.
There has been no possible exposure today it's just the mediators reacting after the initially treatment has worn off. Off to our local hospital for treatment and follow-up this time.

90F - Full recall of the event and a good lac lateral of the eyebrow that will need sutures before she can go on tonight to a dinner party.

747 jobs/102 shifts = 7.32 average.

You be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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